Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Oral Thrush - Causes, Features and Treatment

Oral thrush is a kind of yeast infection that may appear in an individual's mouth that is caused by uncontrollable growth of an organism or bacteria known as Candida albicans. This is the kind of a organism that generally rests under your skin, in your gut, or in your mouth and does not bother anyone at all. On the other hand, if this bacterium starts multiplying, it grows uncontrollably leading to inflammation and causing extreme pain. When it occurs, it is known as candidiasis, a yeast infection, or moniliasis.

Causes of Oral Thrush; you may be thinking that you should take measures and then you will not be able to catch this oral thrush; however, this is not how it is. The yeast is already there and there are numerous factors that can initiate its growth and it go uncontrollable. One of the leading and primary reasons or oral thrush is gorge of antibiotics. There are different bacteria with which the yeast is compatible. These bacteria also live under the skin among various other places but they are harmless and are extremely helpful in fighting off the yeast infection. While an individual is in-taking antibiotics to deal with such diseases that are causing bacteria, the medication also kills the harmless bacteria. Yeast is the one which is not affected by these antibiotics, goes out of control as there are no bacteria to fight and it starts to multiply and grow greatly. Cancer medications and steroids also enable yeast to flourish. The medication taken by chronic lung patients or asthmatics also lead to this infection.

Treating the Oral Thrush; Candidiasis is not generally a critical condition with the exception is that it enters into your blood and then multiplies into your organs particularly for people who have weakened immune systems. For this reason, a suspension of an antifungal prescription can be injected into the mouth and further swallowed or sometimes the physicians try a different way out. For such cases that reoccur along with crucial ones, antifungal medication is advised which can prolong for a longer period of time. On the other hand, if oral thrush is caused because of inhaled corticosteroids usage, suffer can rinse the mouth after making use of the inhaler as this will be helpful in preventing this infection.

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