Saturday, February 12, 2011

Get Rid of Excessive Underarm Sweating Naturally

Although sweating is a usual and an important function that helps eliminate toxins and keep our body cool, a number of people have sweat glands which operate more effectively than expected, a condition known as hyperhidrosis. A major part of the body which is significantly affected is the armpits. Despite the fact that it is not dangerous, the condition can be very embarrassing and distressful for those suffering from it. Luckily there are various ways to get rid of excessive underarm sweating using natural means.

To eliminate too much armpit perspiration, one should trim down time spent in the sun. Wear natural materials on the upper body part that are opposed to sweat and allow more air to penetrate. Proper hygiene routines should be supervised which should include regular cold showers and use of antibacterial soap.

One should also drink a warm cup of tea as it helps stop profuse perspiration on the armpits. Another great remedy is chamomile oil which is best used when taking a shower as it helps eliminate bad odor. Also, on the underarms one can apply a small quantity of baking powder after a cold shower.

One should get rid of all products containing caffeine as it will only exacerbate the condition. Moreover avoid any canned or processed foods and rather add more vegetables and fresh fruits to the diet. Drinking plenty water is also recommended as it assist in minimize hyperactivity of sweat glands.

A person should also ensure regular change of clothes as it will help prevent bacteria from proliferating in the clothes thus leading to a stink in the underarms. It has also been proven that negative emotions such as stress and anxiety can lead to excessive sweating of the underarms. To eliminate this, one should join yoga classes that can help minimize the level of stress and anxiety.

In addition, habitual shaving of the armpits is highly recommended, particularly when one is exposed to too much sunlight. These are few methods of how one can get rid of excessive underarm sweating using natural means. I personally managed to get rid of all my sweat problems with a step by step sweat removal guide.

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