Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Diamond Water: Your Wake-Up Call

Diamond Water is here to help the planet wake up and to support the development of our selves. It helps clear limiting beliefs from our cells, allowing a regeneration of the new person inside us.. This is the time, right now.

Diamond Water is virgin; nothing is imprinted on it until we state an intention to it from our hearts. When we do this we also help humanity wake up faster in these times of exciting change.

Once you have 100ml of itr you can constantly recreate more Diamond Water from your initial bottle. We recommend you use itr in every way conceivable - to drink, to cook with, for growing your vegetables and flowers, for washing and finally for offering to streams, rivers, ponds, canals, lakes and even toilets and drains.

The developer Joel Ducatillon said 'when enough of this planet has received Diamond Water, it will be in our rain, our springs, our taps, our seas'. This is how you, your family and friends can spread it.

Pour a glass of Diamond Water and hold it against your solar plexus chakra for a moment. This allows the water to 'read' your body's current energy. During this moment hold a pure intention.

When you drink the water, it will more easily assimilate with your cells and energy and work with your particular vibrational field.

The water travels to every cell of your body carrying its message of intention through love. The changes that occur from drinking Diamond Water help the release of soul memories from the DNA that are holding you back.

There is a cumulative effect and you will observe subtle changes in your body, how you respond to people, how people respond to you. This will be accelerated if especially if you additionally receive a series of Pyramidal Memories Transmutation sessions. These sessions help clear out our ancestral wounds so that we become lighter, freer beings. These wounds or negative cellular memories collect in our aura and are what hold us back from achieving our real potential.

Regular users of Diamond Water tell us they feel different - younger, lighter, more focussed and more positive in their outlook. In conjunction with the with Pyramidal Memories Transformation sessions, they regularly report having achieved greater clarity and an inner knowledge that they they are evolving and a much higher rate.

What they find is that their ego and need for materialism have quietly been replaced by love and a sense of connectedness.

Graeme Dinnen

Resources For Life

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